Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ways To Get Up or Down

I was just sitting on my couch watching TV and started thinking about way to get from on elevation to another. Elevators, escalators. And then I had to think because I ran out of such machines. What else transports us up and down. Trams, ski lifts, The Power Tower.

The Power Tower does not really fit with those other things though. The only purpose of the Power Tower is for thrills, peeing yourself, barfing, and basically just wanting to die. It's a thrill ride for people that like being shot into the sky or dropped from way up in the sky. It sounds terrible to me but apparently it's quite popular in some crowds, like amusement park goers. I hear they really think it's a good time.

Anyway, lets get back to the point, shall we?

Elevators and escalators don't really work in the same category as Trams and Ski Lefts, and the Power Tower belongs in the same category as bungee jumping. So I'm going to spit them up and discuss pros and cons.

Elevators VS Escalators
Elevators are pretty quick and will carry you up multiple floors, but some people (not me) are very claustrophobic. For them elevators feel like a tomb.

That reminds me when I die, I want one of two things done.

Option One
I want a tomb! This would of course require copious amounts of money and so I'll have to start selling some books or something but I know exactly what it should look like. I even drew it late one night for my buddy Kelly E. (You know who you are! Do you read this?) So I don't have to explain it I'll draw it for you on "Paint".
This is what I just came up with.
Let me explain this. I will Rest In Peace in the big grey rectangle. There is a statue of me riding a Clydesdale. (never mind that it looks like a really ugly pony in the picture) I'm holding a a big awesome sword to the sky. The best part about the whole thing are those little white dots on the ground. They are flowers called Simbelmyne. They grow on the graves of kings in Rohan. Yeah, the one from the Lord of the Rings. This is what it looks like.

Option 2
If I can't have that, then whatever. Just throw my dead body in a ravine and walk away. It's not like I care. I'm dead now anyway.

Back to the point Escalators, elevators, ski lifts and trams are different.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. Sean you have WAAYYY too much time on you're hands. LOL
